
The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation vide circular no. SU/2020/ClaimsettlementwithoutUAN-clarification(E25432)/1208
Further to the Employees’ Provident Fund Organization notifications dated 23rd August 2023 and 11th March 2024..
Earlier, Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation, vide circular no. WSU/2022/Rationalisation of work areas/Joint Declaration (E-54018)/3638
Further to the earlier notification by the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation, dated 23rd August,2023
The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation, vide internal circular no. IWU-1109/1/2020-IWU/Brazil/E-file (621352)/4763
The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation, earlier, vide circular no. BKG/1/2021-BKG/C-32521/181
The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation, vide circular no. I-11012/8/2021-ICT
The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation, vide internal circular no. WSU/E-108547/4421
The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation, vide circular no. WSU/2022/Rationalisation of work areas/joint declaration (E-54018)/3638

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