

EPFO Removes Aadhaar from the list of acceptable documents for correction of date of birth

The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation, vide circular no. WSU/2022/Rationalisation of work areas/joint declaration (E-54018)/3638, dated 22nd August, 2023, had introduced a Standard Operating Procedure for processing joint declaration towards member profile updation/correction. The circular contained various kinds of member profile corrections, procedures to submit the joint declaration for correction, a list of acceptable documents as proof for correction, a mechanism for approval, etc.

AscentHR had circulated an alert on the same on 11th September, 2023.

As per Table “B” of Annexure -I of this circular, Aadhaar was listed as one of the acceptable documents for correction of date of birth.

Now, the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation, vide circular no. WSU/2024/1/UIDAI Matter/4090, dated 16thJanuary, 2024, has removed Aadhaar from the list of documents that are acceptable as proof for correction of the date of birth of the member. Hence, as per the latest guidelines, a member cannot correct his/her date of birth through the employer in the EPFO records based on the details available on his/her Aadhaar. Apart from Aadhaar, other documents which are listed as acceptable documents are:

  1. Birth Certificate issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths
  2. Mark sheet issued by any recognised Government Board or University, School Leaving Certificate (SLC)/ School Transfer Certificate (TC)/ SSC certificate containing name and date of birth
  3. Certificate based on the service records of the Central/State Government Organisations
  4. In the absence of proof of date of birth as above, a medical certificate issued by the Civil Surgeon, after examining the member medically, supported with an affidavit of oath by the member duly authenticated by a competent Court
  5. Passport
  6. PAN by the IT department
  7. Central/ State Pension Payment Order
  8. CGHS/ ECHS/ Medi-Claim Card issued by the Centre/ State/ UTs Govt./ PSUs having photo and date of birth
  9. Domicile Certificate issued by the Government

The above decision of EPFO to remove Aadhaar from the list of acceptable documents for the correction of date of birth is consequent to the direction given by the Unique Identification Authority of India through circular No. 08 of 2023.

A copy of the EPFO circular, along with the circular issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India is attached for your reference. 

Please refer to the below press note for more details:

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