
The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation, vide internal circular No. Pension/PoHW/PartFile-101123/Scrutiny (e-1003310)/1375
The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation issued internal circular No. Pension/SupremeCourtjudgement/PoHW/2022/312
Earlier, the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation, Regional office, Goa, vide circular no. 32/P/11/11/85/Cov/24
The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation, vide circular No. Pension/PoHW/2023/69114/615, dated, 3rd May, 2023
The Ministry of Labour and Employment, vide notification No. S.O 2061(E), dated 3rd May, 2023
In reference to pension on higher wages, the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO)
Further to our alert shared on 3rd March, 2023, with respect to the draft employee communication