

Announcements by the Government of India & State Governments

The Government of Chandigarh vide notification No- ST/(CPI)/2024-25/2650..
The Government of Nagaland, vide notification no. GAB/GEN/16/2010 (Pt)..
The Government of Gujarat has published a notification dated 3rd October 2024..
The Government of Bihar, vide notification no. 3/H-01/2024-15764/GA..
The Government of Uttar Pradesh, vide notification no. 801-07 Enforcement-(MW)/15..
The Government of Madhya Pradesh, vide notification no. 1/11/MW/5/2024/28502-750..
The Government of Bihar vide notification No- 5/M.W-40-16/2021 L & R-07..
The Government of Odisha, vide notification no. 6432/LC, Bhubaneshwar..
The Government of Arunachal Pradesh, vide notification dated 27th September 2024..
The Government of Karnataka vide notification No- E-LD 4 LET 2019, dated 27th Sept 2024..
The Government of Uttar Pradesh, vide notification no. 1866/XXXVI-03-2024-1844430..
The Government of NCT of Delhi, vide notification No—F.No. (142)/02/MW/VII/Part File/3502-3519..