

Submission of ER-II returns

The Employment Department, Haryana, vide letter no. EMI/ER-II/2024/979, dated 2ndSeptember 2024, has instructed all employers in Haryana to submit biannual returns in Form ER-II based on the details furnished in quarterly return (ER-1) as of 30thSeptember 2023, under the Employment Exchange (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) Act, 1959.

A biannual return is an occupational return to be submitted by an employer employing 25 or more employees to the local Employment Exchange once every two years.

A template of Form ER- II is also provided in the notification. The said return can be furnished through email, by post, or submitted by hand to the local Employment Exchange by 30th September 2024.

Please refer below to the government notification:

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