

Shops and Establishments (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) (Amendment) Rules, 2024

The Government of Maharashtra, vide notification no. MS&EA-08/2021/C.R.153/Labour-10, dated 22nd July 2024, has modified certain forms provided under The Maharashtra Shops and Establishments (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Rules, 2018. The following forms have been modified by inserting a provision for submitting insurance details of the establishment to the Labour Department:

  • Form – A (Application for registration of the establishment)
  • Form – D (Application for renewal of registration certificate)
  • Form – F (Form for intimation of commencement of business by such employer engaging less than ten workers)
  • Form – R (Annual return)

Accordingly, changes have been made in the schedule appended to the rules, which contains the list of documents to be uploaded while submitting the application for registration (Form – A), renewal (Form – D), and intimation (Form – F). The requirement to upload the establishment’s insurance certificate has been added.

Please refer to the below government notification:

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