

Election holiday for factories

The Labour Department of Haryana has released notification no. FW/Election/2024/3392, dated 6th September 2024, regarding granting of paid holiday to employees working in factories in Haryana on account of the General Election to the Legislative Assembly of Haryana – 2024, which is scheduled to be held on 5th October 2024 (Saturday).

The notification has exempted all factories in Haryana from the operation of a provision of Section 52 (1) (a) of the Factories Act, 1948 (which speaks about the weekly holidays), for the week commencing from 6th October 2024 to 12th October 2024. This exemption is subject to the condition that no employees who are eligible to vote for the above election, shall be required or allowed to work on the said polling day in Factories located in Haryana.

Please refer below to the government notification:

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