

ESIC clarification regarding correction of DOB of IPs and their family members/dependants

Pursuant to the circular released by UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India) dated 22nd December 2023, for removing Aadhaar as proof of date of birth (DOB), ESIC has removed Aadhaar as proof of date of birth, vide circular dated 14th March 2024.

Now, ESIC, vide circular No. 12013/2/2023/-BFT-II, dated 2nd July 2024, has drawn the attention of all its field offices by stating Regulation 80(2) of The Employees’ State Insurance (General) Regulations, 1950, and Para 1.73 of ESIC Branch office Manual.

Regulation 80(2) outlines the list of valid documents to be accepted as proof of the age of an insured person (IP) and family members/dependents. Para 1.73 of the ESIC Branch manual outlines the list of valid documents to be accepted as proof of the age of an insured person (not for family members/dependents).  

Regulation 80(2) of The Employees’ State Insurance (General) Regulations, 1950, is given as below:

80(2) The following may be accepted as proof of age:

  1. Certified extract from an official record of births showing the date and place of birth and the father’s name
  2. Original horoscope prepared soon after birth
  3. Certified extract from the baptismal register
  4. Certified extract from school record showing the date of birth and father’s name
  5. Such other evidence as may be acceptable to the appropriate Regional Office in circumstances of a particular case

Para 1.73 of the ESIC Branch office Manual states:

  1. When an insured person desires a change in the declared age, he may be requested to furnish one or more of the documents mentioned in Regulation 80(2). Where the desired change in the declared age is 3 years or more, the insured person should, in addition, be asked to appear before the Medical Referee who may be requested to advise whether his age and condition corroborate the revised age applied for. Such a change may then be accepted if it is applied for by the insured person before any accident resulting in permanent disablement. After an accident resulting in permanent disablement, no change in age/year of birth should normally be accepted, and such cases may be referred to the headquarters with full particulars for further consideration on merits.
  2. However, in cases where the insured person has been served with a notice of retirement by the employer, no request for change in age may be accepted, nor will such an insured person be referred to the Medical Referee for assessment of age.

The said circular provides clarity to ESIC officials and members of ESIC on the process to be followed for change in date of birth, along with the documentation required. It syncs in accordance with the circular released by UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India), hence ensuring there are minimum rejections of such changes at the time of processing by the ESIC department.

Please refer to the below notification for more details:

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